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Fluorite Crystal Meaning + Healing Properties
Fluorite is a versatile crystal that has been used for protection, healing, and development primarily for the third eye and crown chakras. If you’ve been feeling like you could use a boost in mental focus, creativity, and psychic development and protection, working with fluorite is said to energize and clear blockages in those areas.
A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Healing Crystals
New to crystals? Here’s a beginner’s guide to buying crystals and determining which crystals are best for you.
Botswana Agate Crystal Meaning + Healing Properties
If your life has felt like a case of Murphy’s Law, then Botswana agate is the crystal for you…
Blue Apetite Meaning + Healing Properties
Are you ready to welcome more “aha” moments into your life? Whether you are unemployed and looking for what’s next, or could use a little extra oomph, look no further than adding blue apatite to your crystal collection.
Blue Lace Agate Meaning + Healing Properties
Have you experienced trouble being heard and understood by others? Blue lace agate is the perfect crystal to boost clear communication across all forms of self-expression without fear of ridicule or from others to ‘speak your truth’ freely…
Bloodstone Meaning + Healing Properties
In times of extreme adversity, bloodstone is one crystal that can help you come out of the other side on top!
Black Tourmaline Meaning + Healing Properties
If you’re new to crystals, black tourmaline is a definite must-have for spiritual purposes, challenging times, and, well….LIFE!
Red Aventurine Meaning + Healing Properties
When life feels like it keeps throwing you curve balls and you don’t feel like you have the energy to make it through the workday, red aventurine, will be right by your side to take on life’s challenges.
Green Aventurine Meaning + Healing Properties
When life feels like $h!t just hit the fan and you’re ready to turn your luck around, look no further than green aventurine.
Aquamarine Meaning + Healing Properties
Aquamarine in Latin is aqua marina, which means “seawater,” and it’s first known uses in history date back to the times of Ancient Greece, 300 B.C., comparing its energies to the sea and lore of mermaids and other creatures in the depths of the oceans.
Aqua Aura Quartz Meaning + Healing Properties
Aqua aura quartz is a beautiful crystal that gets its color from having a special treatment process of bonding metals to the surface of the crystal.
Apophyllite Meaning + Healing Properties
If you’re feeling a little lost in life, Apophyllite can help you find the way. This high vibrational stone has a gentle, loving, angelic energy, and is frequently used in spiritual & holistic healing practices such as Reiki, it connects us with Divine energy from Source, Archangels and allows the Universal Life Force to flow through the body, clearing stagnant energy in its path.
Ametrine Meaning + Healing Properties
Ametrine is a crystal that harnesses the powers of both amethyst and citrine together! Like amethyst, citrine is also a type of quartz, and since quartz is a crystal that is an energy amplifier, the combination of crystals work to amplify each other!