What Is Reiki Healing?
What Is Reiki Energy Healing?
Let’s break this word down…the word Reiki, pronounced (ray-key) is derived from two Japanese words. “Rei,” which means “God’s Wisdom or Higher Power,” and “Ki,” which is “Universal Life Energy.” This spiritually guided life force energy is what a practitioner channels in order to heal oneself, others, the planet, or animals, which uses either a gentle hands-on approach or through distance healing. Both are equally as effective. A Reiki/energy healing practitioner acts as an open channel, or “medium,” to deliver the healing energy.
Reiki healing is a safe, relaxing, non-denominational “spiritually guided life force healing energy” that comes from unconditional love from Divine Source, which is an intelligent energy that clears the chakras & aura, removes energy blockages and what no longer serves you. Reiki energy flows through the body, targeting the energy where healing is needed the most. Chakras are the main points of energy sources in the body that form a vertically aligned pathway of energy through the body and auric field.
Reiki is one of the oldest healing systems in the world as a way to heal dis-ease and bring harmony & healing to the mind, body, and spirit. The practice of energy healing is a way of balancing the client’s own energy field, (also known as “Chi” or “Aura”), that surrounds the body. This healing modality is a way to activate and restore the natural healing process for your physical and emotional well-being.
Working with Reiki energy can simply come from the desire to improve your life and others’ lives in all ways, and it can be used on people of all ages and medical conditions.
Reiki FAQ’s And What To Expect From A Reiki Healing Session
Clients may feel: an increase in focus, enhanced energy, elevated mood, reduction of stress and inflammation, and feeling lighter and brighter after a session. Some clients may experience fatigue immediately following a session depending on how much stagnant energy was released and will continue to feel lighter and brighter within a few minutes as the energies balance out following the end of a session. Everyone is different and these sensations are completely normal!
Following a session, be sure to drink plenty of water as this will help flush toxins out of the body while the Reiki energy circulates through your system.
Whether a hands-on approach or distance healing method is used, each is equally effective. The Reiki energy is transferred from the hands of the practitioner to different areas of the client’s body in a comfortable home office setting. Clients are fully clothed during a session (wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothing is best). Sessions can be 1-1, for couples, or large groups.
Deep relaxation and meditative state. Some clients fall asleep, while others feel recharged. It is normal to experience a warm sensation over parts of the body where hands are placed, dreaming, or see bright colors while the client’s eyes are closed. On the other hand, some clients may not feel any of the aforementioned sensations, which is also completely normal depending on the level of sensitivity a person has to energy.
Reiki healing is safe, relaxing, effective, and gentle to be used on people of all ages and medical conditions. It has been known to be an effective form of treatment to speed recovery for everything from the common cold to serious illnesses. The number of sessions required for healing also depends on the client and their healing goals, and multiple sessions are recommended for treating serious illnesses. Results vary from person to person in addition to their efforts for continued self-improvement following a session. Regular treatments are best for overall continued optimal health.
Reiki & energy healing techniques are known to reduce stress, increase relaxation, improve sleep, restore inner peace and harmony, balance the mind, body, and spirit, reduce pain, balance and stimulate the various systems of the body, naturally flushes toxins from the body, increase in focus and energy, elevate mood, reduction of inflammation, and assists with being grounded and present.
Additional Information On Reiki & Energy Healing
Click on the image below to watch an example of a distance healing session with Julie.
To learn more about the science behind distance healing, click the link below!
Click on the image below to watch an example of a group distance Reiki healing session with Julie.
The Chakra To Ya blog serves as a free educational resource where you will find more information on Reiki, the science behind how distance energy healing works, and a wide range of healing topics.
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