Nicole C., Reiki Levels 1-Mastery

"The Reiki course that Julie offers is worth every penny with the amount of information that she shares with you. She is extremely knowledgeable and is one of the best Reiki Masters that I have come across. She embodies the true energy of Reiki and you can feel it just by being in her presence. I highly recommend becoming attuned by her as it is life-changing, and you will get more out of the course than you can imagine...

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Katie F., Reiki Levels 1-2

“Julie helped guide me through my first experiences with Reiki, making me feel comfortable and calm the whole way through. The whole-body sense of relaxation - even via long-distance - was incredible. I felt like I'd just taken a yoga class! Beyond that, she was able to unlock some pretty powerful insights that helped me work through a few things that were holding me back. A few that I'd not even considered. Not to mention, she's so warm and lovely to work with. Highly recommend!”

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Jennifer R., Reiki Level 1

“I originally started working with Julie in 2018 and I have not stopped coming back to her since! I booked my first reiki session with great doubt and skepticism, but I've now booked countless sessions with Julie over the past 3 years and have even become reiki certified/attuned by Julie so that I can practice reiki on myself. She is truly one of the most intuitive, powerful, and integrated healers...

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Margaret M., Reiki Level 1-2

“I've had the good fortune of receiving Reiki certification through Julie, healing sessions and readings, all of which have transformative and inspired.  Julie is professional and responsive and I am wowed by her ability to communicate her talents not only in person, but also over email or on the phone.  I feel lucky to have her as a guide and mentor.”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Jorge M.

“Julie is a gifted healer and Reiki Master. I was drawn to her by an article she wrote on her website related to the significance of the number 333. Then when I reached out to inquire in to a reiki session, I understood why. She is very intuitive, insightful and develops a deep connections with her clients. Prior to our session Julie drew tarot cards for me, prepared through our meeting in meditation and was completely present in our session. During our sessions Julie has helped me to clear old energy, reconnect my chakras and bring me in to wholeness. I'm so grateful for Julie and if you're reading this, there's a reason you're drawn to her. Trust your inner voice and give yourself a chance for healing with Julie.”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Kati S.

“Absolutely looooove my sessions with Julie! She is easy to talk to and provides a safe space for me to open up so I am extremely comfortable right from the beginning. Julie is extremely intuitive and provides lots of insight and guidance that I find to be valuable. It is clear that she has puts the time in to her own continuing education because she is very knowledgeable. Thank you Julie for always leaving me feeling energetically cleansed and lighter!”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Ari G.

“I had never really learned much about reiki but have been interested in it for a while. I got to talking with Julie about it and was fascinated by both her knowledge of the topic as well as her ability to break it down for a newcomer such as myself. I admittedly was a bit anxious prior to having our first distance reiki session because I wasn't sure what to expect especially not being in the same location. She did an incredible job walking me through what to expect beforehand to alleviate my nerves.

Knowing that I didn't know much on the topic, Julie did an amazing job sending over information after our session for me to better understand what she had done and found. She has a unique ability to take complex information and break it down for people far less knowledgeable on the topic such as myself to understand. Her warm and welcoming personality makes it easy to ask questions and left me feeling rejuvenated but more importantly significantly more open to exploring this further. I would highly recommend her to anyone and fully expect to be back many times over for her guidance.”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Elizabeth C.

My first ever Reiki session was with Julie and it was one of the best things I could have ever done for myself. I like to meditate but find it hard to stay focused. Reiki really helps me get into the ultimate meditative state of mind. The effects after my sessions with Julie last for days and help me get through those stressful times like work or the holidays.”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Liz E.

“Julie is a true angel, I have had a Reiki session with her and also Light Language. I was going through a hard time and felt relaxed and aligned after my session with her. She is knowledgeable and very intuitive. And she really cares that you leave feeling much better than when you get there. I highly recommend her if you are looking for a Reiki healer and want to have a really good experience.”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Lexi G.

“I went in to my first Reiki session with anxiety about some personal issues. Not mentioning any intentions out loud or to Julie, I had an amazing session. I came out of the Reiki healing session without any anxiety and felt open and clear of negative energy. Julie is very educated and did a really amazing job. I highly recommend her.”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Wyatt H.

“Julie is an absolutely incredible healer. I'd never had a Reiki session before I went to her and she made me extremely comfortable for a first-timer. I received tremendous relaxation during the session and felt absolutely amazing afterward! I particularly enjoyed the eucalyptus-scented diffuser throughout the session (which was a choice she gave me at the beginning).

She truly has a gift and I would recommend her to anyone looking for Reiki”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Carolyn D.

“Julie is such a caring and kind soul! She has helped me so much and I'm so happy to have her in my life. She does distance healing on me (we live on opposite coasts!) It has always been nothing but pleasant. I feel so much better and relaxed after each healing session. I'll always be a client of hers!”

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Services Testimonials Julie Dawson Services Testimonials Julie Dawson

Katie P.

“I had a distance healing reiki session with Julie a few weeks ago. During the session, she was able to focus on different chakras that needed to be worked on. After the session, we spoke about what came up and she suggested things for me to work on. I found this session to be very helpful both physically and emotionally... I felt less stressed and a lot calmer... I highly suggest her services!!”

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Services Testimonials Guest User Services Testimonials Guest User

Bijana B.

“Julie is INCREDIBLE. After my Reiki session, I felt rejuvenated, relaxed and perfectly in balance. She went above and beyond and even used crystals to further contribute to my healing session! Visiting Julie for Reiki will now be a regular part of my self-care. She truly has a gift.”

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