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Usui Reiki Healing Certifications

Online Certifications

Usui Reiki Online Training Course Chakra To Ya
Reiki Level 1 Certification
One time
For 2 months

✓ Unlimited lifetime access

The Usui Reiki Level 1 Online Certification Curriculum

This Reiki Level 1 online certification is an introduction to traditional Usui Reiki. Having a Reiki attunement means you will be a channel for this healing energy for the rest of your life! People of all ages can become a practitioner if he/she is called to. In this course you will learn:

  • BONUSES: 19-page Chakra eBook, Access to the 12 Days of Healing YouTube Series, 20-page course journal, training videos, guided meditations, writing prompts, fun, practical assignments, printable handouts, and grounding techniques, upon completing Reiki Level 1, you’ll receive 10% off when you sign up for the Reiki Level 2 Online Certification.

  • Course Materials & Curriculum: 12-module course with step-by-step tutorials, a 40-page comprehensive guidebook written by Julie Ann Dawson with 118 total pages of resources including research studies on Reiki, crystal healing, cheat sheets, and other guides, 70-page printable course slides, printable handouts, multiple choice quizzes, journal prompts, and certificate of completion that certifies you as a Reiki Level 1 practitioner. This course contains almost 3 hours of video content across the 12 modules.

  • A breakdown of what Reiki is and where it comes from

  • The benefits of Reiki healing

  • History of traditional (Usui) and non-traditional (Tummo) techniques

  • The principles of Reiki

  • The pillars of Reiki

  • Karma and Kundalini

  • Research studies & Reiki

  • Increased intuition and spiritual gifts

  • Raising your vibration

  • The Aura & guide to learning all 7 layers

  • The 12 Chakra System & The 7 Chakra System

  • A Level 1 attunement

  • Hand positions and steps for self-healing

  • Hand positions and steps for healing others

  • Grounding and meditation techniques for self-healing

  • Activating the first 21-day emotional & spiritual cleanse

  • Introduction to crystals

  • Introduction to working with angels and spirit guides

  • Certificate of completion upon completion of the course as a downloadable PDF

  • Lifetime access!

Requirements: Have access to the internet & be able to watch & listen to video tutorials online. You must be able to either save or download PDF files to a device (ex/ laptop, iPad, phone), something to write with, a pendulum (optional), and an object you would like blessed with the attunement energy (this is optional). 

More About This Program:

Receiving an attunement releases what no longer serves you which raises your vibration. Having an attunement is especially beneficial for people who experience chronic pain, serious illness and/or are terminally ill, which assists in one’s ascension process. Please note that since this workshop includes remote Reiki attunement, it will activate your 21-day cleansing process, which raises your vibration. Since an attunement releases energy blocks and what no longer serves you, it is normal to feel heightened emotions, which can appear in the form of an emotional or physical release, such as laughing, crying, coughing, or the release of pressure in the body resulting in feeling lighter. As you surrender and allow yourself to release what is blocking you and no longer serves you, the Reiki works to remove such energies from the body, mind & spirit.

Reiki Level 1 Certification Testimonials

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Usui Reiki Level 2 Online Certification Chakra To Ya
Reiki Level 2 Certification
One time
For 2 months

✓ Unlimited lifetime access

The Usui Reiki Level 2 Online Certification Curriculum

Following Level 1, the Usui Reiki Level 2 certification is offered to students with a minimum of 21 days to three months waiting time in-between courses. In Level 2, you will be able to provide healing as a practitioner to others, groups of people, and perform distance healing through all time and space through the introduction of Reiki symbols.


All students must have a Reiki Level 1 Certification, either from Chakra To Ya or another certified Reiki Master, and have waited a minimum of 21 days to three months.  Waiting three months following receiving your Reiki 1 attunement is highly recommended. Students must know the traditional Usui hand positions for self-healing and healing others, in addition to being familiar with the history of Reiki.   Students must be familiar with scanning techniques, with the ability to sense the Byosen.  Students must know the chakra system and chakra functions, how to open the chakras, and the layers of the aura. Students must know how to close the chakras and layers of the aura, in addition to knowing the different layers of the aura and their functions.   (*All of the aforementioned prerequisites are covered in the Chakra To Ya Reiki Level 1 certification.  If you are unsure about any of the following, I recommend taking the Chakra To Ya Reiki Level 1 program, then waiting between 21 days to three months to take Reiki this Reiki Level 2 program.)

In this course, you will learn: 

  • BONUSES: Manifesting with Reiki, easy steps to raise your vibration, programming objects for healing with Reiki, clearing a space with Reiki, advanced room-clearing technique, removing negative energy from objects with Reiki, cord-cutting techniques, tips on starting your Reiki business + best business practices, course journal, guided meditations, writing prompts, upon completing Reiki Level 2, you’ll receive 10% off when you sign up for the Reiki Level 3 Online Certification.

  • Further your spiritual growth and healing for yourself & others as you will be able to raise your vibration, and channel double the quality and quantity of healing energy and light through your body from Reiki Level 1.

  • Course Materials & Curriculum: 9-module course with step-by-step video tutorials, students will receive a 72-page guidebook written by Julie Ann Dawson, 100 printable slides, a 20-page course journal, journal prompts, multiple choice quizzes, and a certificate of completion that certifies you as a Reiki Level 2 practitioner. This course contains over 4 hours of video content across 9 modules.

  • Receive your Level 2 distance attunement

  • Learning the traditional Reiki Level 2 symbols + tutorials and exercises for each. How to use the symbols & benefits of using each symbol.

  • Learn the non-traditional Level 2 Reiki symbols

  • How to use combinations of Reiki Level 2 symbols

  • Learn a Reiki healing shortcut called Chakra balancing

  • Steps for a healing session incorporating the Reiki symbols

  • How to perform distance healing + tutorials & techniques

  • Reiki & quantum mechanics with distance healing

  • Advanced aura opening & closing techniques + tutorials and exercises

  • Reiki healing for animals + tutorial

  • Reiki healing for children

  • Reiki for healing our planet

  • Creating a healing/prayer list + template & tutorial

  • Scanning techniques

  • Energetic attachments: symptoms of negative attachments, releasing negative attachment techniques for: cords, astral pests, earthbound spirits, psychic weapons.

  • How to facilitate a group healing + hand positions with multiple practitioners

  • Increased intuition and spiritual gifts

  • Developing a relationship with your angels & spirit guides

  • Activate the second 21-day cleansing process + 21 cleanse guide with helpful tips

  • How to start your own Reiki healing business + best business practices

  • Course materials and downloadable certificate of completion are included in the pricing

  • Lifetime access

Additional Requirements: Have access to the internet & be able to watch & listen to video tutorials online. You must be able to either download or save PDF files on a device (ex/ laptop, phone, iPad), something to write with, two objects for exercises (ex/ can be any object such as a crystal), a pendulum (optional), and an object you would like blessed with the attunement energy (optional).

More About This Program:

Receiving an attunement releases what no longer serves you which raises your vibration. Having an attunement is especially beneficial for people who experience chronic pain, serious illness and/or are terminally ill, which assists in one’s ascension process. Please note that since this workshop includes remote Reiki attunement, it will activate your 21-day cleansing process, which raises your vibration. Since an attunement releases energy blocks and what no longer serves you, it is normal to feel heightened emotions, which can appear in the form of an emotional or physical release, such as laughing, crying, coughing, or the release of pressure in the body resulting in feeling lighter. As you surrender and allow yourself to release what is blocking you and no longer serves you, the Reiki works to remove such energies from the body, mind & spirit.

Reiki Level 2 Certification Testimonials

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Usui Reiki Level 3 Reiki Master Teacher Certification Chakra To Ya
Reiki Level 3-Reiki Master Teacher Certification
One time
For 2 months

✓ Unlimited lifetime access

The Usui Reiki Level 3, Reiki Master Teacher, Online Certification Curriculum

Becoming attuned to the Master level of Reiki is the highest of the vibrational frequencies you will channel as a practitioner.  Having a Reiki Level 3 attunement will allow you to channel more than double the quality and quantity of Reiki energy than a Level 2 practitioner.  Like other attunements, receiving the Reiki Level 3 attunement raises your vibration and furthers spiritual growth. 

At the Master level, you will be able to provide mass healings, use advanced healing techniques, learn and apply the Master Reiki symbols, and have the ability to attune & teach Reiki to others.

The prerequisite for taking this course is to have completed a Level 2 certification, either with Chakra To Ya or another accredited course, and have waited a minimum of between 21 days to three months since the Level 2 attunement. 


All students must have a Usui Reiki Level 2 certification, either from Chakra To Ya or another certified Reiki Master Teacher, and have waited a minimum of 21 days to three months following the Reiki Level 2 attunement. Students must know the Usui Reiki Level 2 symbols, symbol combinations, steps for a healing session, and have provided Reiki sessions to others, both in-person and through distance healing.  

*Please Note* The aforementioned prerequisites are covered in the Chakra To Ya Reiki Level 2 certification.  If you are unsure about any of the following, I recommend taking the Chakra To Ya Reiki Level 2 program, and then waiting between 21 days to three months before moving on to the Reiki Level 3 program.

BONUSES: Open Heart Guided Meditation- a 16-minute guided meditation that includes remote Reiki and Solfeggio frequency of 639 Hz to assist in balancing and clearing the Heart Chakra.  Additional bonuses include the 7-page psychic gifts mini e-book on the 9 psychic ‘Clair’ gifts, The Archangels Cheat Sheet, 6-page Reiki Master symbols guide, Reiki Master symbol combinations cheat sheet, 3-page guide on The Magic Formula for Asking for Angelic Assistance, Anchoring in the High Self Cheat Sheet, additional helpful cheat sheets, 20-page Reiki Level 3 journal, 6 pages of writing prompts, upon completing Reiki Level 3, you’ll receive 10% off your purchase in the Chakra To Ya Shop.

Course Materials & Curriculum: 7-module course has 5 hours 33 minutes of content with step-by-step video tutorials, a 72-page guidebook written by Julie Ann Dawson with 126 pages total of resources and information, 119 pages of printable slides, a 20-page course journal, journal prompts, multiple choice quizzes, and a certificate of completion that certifies you as a Usui Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher. 

  • Receive your Level 3 distance attunement

  • Learning the traditional Usui Reiki Level 3 symbols + tutorials and exercises for each. How to use the symbols & benefits of using each symbol.

  • Learn the non-traditional Level 3 Reiki symbols

  • How to use combinations of the Reiki Level 3 symbols

  • Steps for a healing session incorporating the Reiki Master symbols

  • Advanced healing techniques for Reiki Masters

  • Preparing to provide an attunement as a Reiki Master 

  • Preparing students for an in-person attunement 

  • Learn various in-person attunement methods for levels 1-Mastery

  • Learn various distance attunement methods for levels 1-Mastery

  • Preparing students for a distance attunement 

  • Providing a mass healing in-person and through distance healing

  • Learn 11 psychic surgery and psychic healing techniques

  • Learn 5 new healing vibrations, and techniques, and how to pass them to others

  • Advanced knowledge of spirits, energetic attachments, and how to properly release them 

  • Advanced knowledge working with your spirit guides 

  • How to communicate and anchor in your high self 

  • Teaching Reiki to others, including the core curriculums of each level of Reiki, learning methods and how to apply those to your teaching style, curriculum must-haves, branding and adding value to your courses.   

  • Learn pro tips throughout the course 

  • Increased intuition and spiritual gifts

  • Activate the third 21-day cleansing process + 21 cleanse guide with helpful tips

  • Course materials and downloadable certificate of completion are included in the pricing

  • Lifetime access

Additional Requirements: You must have access to the internet & be able to watch & listen to video tutorials online. You must be able to either save or download PDF files to a device (ex/ laptop, iPad, phone), something to write with, a pendulum (optional), and an object you would like blessed with the attunement energy (this is optional). 

More About This Program: Receiving an attunement releases what no longer serves you which raises your vibration. Having an attunement is especially beneficial for people who experience chronic pain, serious illness and/or are terminally ill, which assists in one’s ascension process. Please note that since this workshop includes remote Reiki attunement, it will activate your 21-day cleansing process, which raises your vibration. Since an attunement releases energy blocks and what no longer serves you, it is normal to feel heightened emotions, which can appear in the form of an emotional or physical release, such as laughing, crying, coughing, or the release of pressure in the body resulting in feeling lighter. As you surrender and allow yourself to release what is blocking you and no longer serves you, the Reiki works to remove such energies from the body, mind & spirit.

Reiki Level 3 Certification Testimonials

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Have You Been Curious About Channeling Reiki Yourself?

Online Reiki Healing Training

Every person has the ability to become a channel for healing energy. Whether you are looking to open your spiritual gifts for self-healing, healing others, the planet & animals, you’ve come to the right place. Julie has developed fully comprehensive energy healing programs for levels 1 through Mastery that can fit every schedule and has attuned over 300 people a year in over 32 countries around the world! The self-guided online programs contain all of the same information as group or 1-1 webinars with Julie.

Self Paced Online Programs

All online programs are self-paced and are accessible through the website portal. Once registered, you will receive a link and password to access the program.

All online programs contain step-by-step video modules with tutorials, course guidebooks, course slides, quizzes, downloadable worksheets, and customizable certificates of completion. Each course level is $497.

Click on Levels 1, 2, or 3 below to read reviews and purchase the online certification programs.

How A Reiki Attunement Can Change Your Life

General Benefits

  • Restores & activates a person’s ability to naturally heal themselves

  • Desire to improve your life and other’s lives in all ways 

  • Ability to heal others, animals & the planet 

  • Anyone can become Reiki certified if they choose & can become attuned at any age

  • Safe for any pre-existing medical conditions 

  • Clears away anything that no longer serves your highest good 

  • A Reiki attunement stays with you for life! 

  • Progressing from a level 1 to a level 2 practitioner allows the healer to channel more than double the amount of healing energy, while a level 2 practitioner becoming attuned to the Master Teacher level has the ability to channel more than double the healing energy of a level 2 practitioner.

Spiritual Benefits

  • Allows the healing energy from Divine Spirit to flow through you, which brings harmony & balance to all aspects of the Self (mind, body & spirit) as a way of healing dis-ease

  • Raises your vibration and assists in ascension 

  • Profound spiritual & personal transformation

  • Improving and understanding your connection with the Divine 

  • Opens and clears blockages in the chakras 

  • Opens and clears the Sushumna, which is the channel in which all the chakras are connected

  • Clears blockages in the aura 

  • Provides spiritual protection from negative energies 

  • Ability to program crystals, plants, and objects for healing 

  • Elevated awareness (including psychic senses) & development of your spiritual gifts 

  • Each attunement naturally activates a 21-day cleanse for all levels of the Self

  • Having a Reiki attunement for those who are terminally ill or prior to death assists in the ascension process 

Physical Benefits

  • Improves and maintains health and promoting a strong immune system.  Assists healing acute to serious health conditions including; chronic pain, infertility, insomnia, skin conditions (acne & eczema), common cold, reduces stress & anxiety, depression, fatigue, headaches, and migraines. 

  • Healing physical, mental, emotional, and other nonphysical problems

  • Calms the mind and improves mental clarity, relaxation, meditation, etc. 

  • Protection for yourself, others, material properties

  • Purifies water and food 

  • Reiki acts as a natural body detox 

  • Each attunement naturally activates a 21 day cleanse for all levels of the Self

Meet your instructor

Julie Ann Dawson, RMT

As an Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, and the CEO of Chakra To Ya, I’m on a mission to awaken the inner healer within you by guiding you every step of the way on your spiritual journey. I’m here to help you tap into your healing potential, empower your spiritual growth, and align with your highest self to bring harmony to your mind, body, and spirit. With years of experience and a deep passion for helping others, I’m excited to share the wisdom and techniques that will transform your life!

Additional Reiki Certification Options

Book A Webinar or In-Person Certification

Reiki Training Class

In-person certifications and webinars are provided as one-day workshops in a 1-1 or group setting and should allow between 5-7 hours for training. In-person and group certifications are restricted to Los Angeles & SoCal locations only.

  • Usui Reiki Level 1 $675

  • Usui Reiki Level 2 $675

  • Usui Reiki Level 3 $675, (Reiki Master Teacher Certification)

All program materials will be sent to you on the day of the workshop via digital formats, such as the guidebook, certificate, worksheets, etc.

  • Webinar attendees will receive a special gift in the mail prior to the day of the workshop.

  • Following completion of the in-person course, students may purchase the online certification course with lifetime access as an add-on for $75.

  • In order to hold the date and time of the certification, payment is due in full upon registration

If you are interested in taking the in-person or webinar certification, please fill out the form below.

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Additional Information

Terms of Use: All images, designs, and text are intended for personal use. No redistribution, reselling, modifying, or sharing it with others without obtaining prior written permission from the owner.

Refund Policy: All online course purchases are final and non-refundable due to the nature of the content. Once the course is purchased/accessed, no refund will be granted regardless of the reason. All online training courses are tested extensively on all types of systems and devices. We can assist you to get started with the course if you are having any trouble.

Please understand that with the enrollment and access of your online course, you have read and agree to the aforementioned refund policy.

Multiple payments for the same course: If a customer accidentally makes an extra payment (the same course bought multiple times) for the same course, the refund will be issued upon request. There will be a 7% transaction cost charged by credit card processor per transaction.

If you have any questions, please contact Julie before making a purchase at chakratoya@gmail.com.