Red Aventurine Meaning + Healing Properties

Red Aventurine Crystal Meaning, Red Aventurine Crystal, Red Aventurine, Crystal Healing, Crystal Healing Energy, Energy Healing, Chakra Healing, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Energy

When life feels like it keeps throwing you curve balls and you don’t feel like you have the energy to make it through the workday, red aventurine, will be right by your side to take on life’s challenges.  Known as a stone of personal power, your new sidekick, red aventurine, will bring in the confidence and stamina you've been longing for, with an “I can do anything I set my mind to,” attitude.      

As you may have read in last week's blog, aventurine can be found in various colors: red, pink, blue, silver, orange, yellow, and green. Red aventurine is a type of quartz that contains Mica mineral particles that reflect the light, which produces a beautiful glittery shimmer.  Red aventurine ranges from a strawberry or raspberry red, to reddish-brown, or peachy-pink.  Fragments of other crystals that are typically formed with red aventurine can include Hematite and/or Goethite.   

For centuries, red aventurine has been known as a stone for manifestation, turning dreams into reality- boosting success, abundance, and good luck.  It is said to balance and increase the Universal Life Force within us- also known as Chi, Qi, or Prana.  Red aventurine opens the doors to opportunity, but also provides the blessing of knowing which opportunities are for your highest good to pursue that are in alignment with your life purpose and soul mission.  This stone will help keep you grounded with mental clarity and endurance so you can achieve your goals.  The energy of red aventurine helps you not only get things ‘movin’ & groovin,’ but rebuilds your physical endurance, renews your desire, enthusiasm, confidence, and excitement to move forward. It encourages us to embrace change, have a positive outlook on life, and be in the present moment. Using this crystal will help you see things from a new perspective -the ‘bright side,’ even when things feel out of our control and unfavorable. This beautiful shimmering crystal emanates an energy that will raise your vibration from lethargic, low-enthusiastic energy to those energies of excitement and confidence to help you overcome life’s challenges.  It is said red aventurine balances emotions, heal trauma, anger, and other nervous energy with a loving, calming, harmonious energy. 

Red aventurine works best for the lower three chakras: the root, sacral, and solar plexus.  It provides a grounding effect, which releases stagnant and lower vibrational energies from our biofield (aka the layers of the aura), specifically the etheric, mental, and emotional auric layers. 

Many who use red aventurine will meditate and use it to manifest before starting a new project, asking for a raise at work, going on an audition, and finding solutions to working with difficult people- especially family & friends. 

On a physical level, red aventurine eases conditions relating to the body parts and organs of the lower three chakras. It is believed to increase love, passion, libido & desire for sex, helps to fight cancer, nausea, lower back pain, support the autoimmune system, balance hormones, the circulatory system, production of red blood cells, lower cholesterol, increase of blood flow, blood pressure and circulation, encourage fertility and support the reproductive system.  It is believed that red aventurine supports the nervous systems, such as the heart, lungs, and thymus, in addition to bringing healing to various skin conditions such as acne and eczema.  It is said that this crystal assists the body to release toxins in the body, especially the liver, and helps you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism.  Red aventurine has been used as an aid for pain relief that can be placed directly on the area you are experiencing pain.   

Other uses for this crystal include placing a piece next to your cell phone or laptop, which can help protect you from EMF, (electromagnetic smog) exposure, and other pollution from the surrounding environment.  You may even decide to keep a piece inside your car for protection while you travel, slip one in your pillowcase while you sleep at night.  After all, we spend half our lives in bed, so why not get the benefits of sleeping next to the lovely energy of the crystal?

Red aventurine is a crystal that can be found as a raw, tumbled stone, and even be made into jewelry.  A favorite stone among artists, this crystal is frequently used in meditating for its benefits known to increase creativity, inspiration, confidence, mental alertness, and connecting to Divine energy of the Earth. Some people choose to keep a piece in their wallet to flow good luck and abundance to them.  

If you are using this crystal in the application of Feng Shui, it carries the elements of Earth and Fire.

Aries is the zodiac sign associated with red aventurine.  

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  • Lembo, Margaret Ann. The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones. 2016. Llewellyn Publications. 

  • Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible Volume 3. 2013.  Krause Publications. 

  • Hall, Judy. Crystals and Healing Stones: A Complete guide to 150 recently available crystals and stones. 2006. Octopus Publishing Group Ltd.

  • Simmons, Robert & Ahsian, Naisha. The Book of Stones. Who They Are & What They Teach. 2005. Heaven & Earth Publishing LLC.

  • Lilly, Sue & Lilly, Simon. Healing with Crystals and Chakra Energies: How to Harness the Transforming Powers of Color, Crystals and Your Body’s Own Subtle Energies to Increase Health and Wellbeing. 2007. Hermes House.

*Energy & intuitive healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatments, prescribe substances and medications, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical care professional. Energy healing is an effective treatment in addition to, NOT a substitute for, medical attention and medications provided by a licensed physician or licensed professional health care for any ailment. It is recommended that clients receiving Reiki treatments also see a licensed physician or other licensed health-care professional for any ailments.


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