The March 7th Full Moon In Virgo And What That Means For You

Namaste beautiful souls! The full moon in Virgo is upon us!
For all of my friends in the Northern Hemisphere, the Full Moon in Virgo will appear in the early hours of the morning on March 7th. On a spiritual and energetic level, the Virgo full moon will bring forth “breakthrough” type transformational energy into our lives, in addition to illuminating what no longer serves us, and encouraging us to take action (with a sense of urgency) on releasing those things, from our mind, body, spirit, and physical surroundings.
What decluttering may look like for you…
The mind: stepping away from drama, the news, and social media, take a relaxing bath with Epsom salts or essential oils
The body: release unhealthy habits, go on a detox or cleanse, yoga or light exercise
The spirit: cut cords, clear your energy, practice a ritual or self-care routine, try energy healing, breathwork, prayer, grounding meditation, connect with your angels and high self, work with crystals
Surroundings: “spring cleaning,” declutter, clean, organize
Virgo, being an Earth sign, is known for its attention to detail, organization, reliability, helpful “can do” attitude, and productivity. Anything that is counterproductive to your goals and the traits mentioned above, will be expelled in order for you to move forward on your most aligned path. With that said, during the full moon, you may feel heightened anxiety and emotions, and catch yourself releasing old wounds, past memories, feeling the urge to resolve conflict, and having clarity surrounding relationships.
On the other hand, did you know that the archetype of Virgo is the healer and High Priestess? Virgo’s sign represents intuition, a deep spiritual connection, and service to the divine. This energy pairs magically with where we are presently in mid-Pisces season, which further emphasizes the energies of looking deeper into connecting with our intuition, bringing balance to our inner trinity (mind, body, spirit), as well as balance to our everyday lives (work, play, rest). If you haven’t lately, now is a perfect time to connect with your high self and angels!
With the full moon in Virgo, remember to be gentle on yourself as you process emotions, and allow yourself the space to release them. And while this full moon may make you feel the need to self-isolate, just know that this intense energy is normal during this transit and it’s ok to dedicate time for yourself, alone. Remember to have grace for yourself, and call on your angels to help you.
Would you like to learn more about the 2023 lunar calendar?
Track the moon with this easy-to-read, instantly downloadable and print from home, 2023 astrological calendar that displays the major lunar cycles each month.
It’s perfect for home decor, as a gift, addition to your spiritual journal, or save it as the background on your phone or laptop.

This Calendar Includes:
Lunar & solar eclipses
New moons, full moons, and their zodiac signs
First quarter moons, last quarter moons
The start of each new season
Mercury in Retrogrades
Space to write in your goals for the year
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